Duque hopes Congress can muster political will to make COVID vax mandatory

  MANILA, Philippines --- Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said it would be a welcome move if Congress "can muster that political will to make vaccination and booster mandatory" in the country. Duque said that while vaccine wastage in the country is only at 1.54%, there are still many things to do to distribute the vaccines since there are about 27 million doses that will expire this July. He reasoned that a number of Filipinos still refuse to get vaccinated and the government has done all it could to encourage people to get jabbed, including setting up drive-thru vaccination sites, tapping pharmacies and doctors' clinics as inoculation centers, and bringing the vac...Keep on reading: Duque hopes Congress can muster political will to make COVID vax mandatory

  MANILA, Philippines --- Health Secretary Francisco Duque III said it would be a welcome move if Congress "can muster that political will to make vaccination and booster mandatory" in the country. Duque said that while vaccine wastage in the country is only at 1.54%, there are still many things to do to distribute the vaccines since there are about 27 million doses that will expire this July. He reasoned that a number of Filipinos still refuse to get vaccinated and the government has done all it could to encourage people to get jabbed, including setting up drive-thru vaccination sites, tapping pharmacies and doctors' clinics as inoculation centers, and bringing the vac...Keep on reading: Duque hopes Congress can muster political will to make COVID vax mandatory